Why not treat yourself to a spot of afternoon tea or a cake or two at one of the county's lovely tea rooms. Photo: GoogleWhy not treat yourself to a spot of afternoon tea or a cake or two at one of the county's lovely tea rooms. Photo: Google
Why not treat yourself to a spot of afternoon tea or a cake or two at one of the county's lovely tea rooms. Photo: Google

Here's 11 of the best tea rooms in West Sussex according to reviews on Google

If you fancy a nice cuppa with some lovely cake there are lots of fantastic tea rooms to visit across the county.

From the historic streets of Arundel to a seat beside the beautiful River Arun, there are some fine places to enjoy an afternoon tea or a slice or two of your favourite cake.

And here are some of the best tea rooms to visit according to reviews on Google. All tea rooms have a minumum of 100 reviews on Google.