Film review: Solo: A Star Wars Story (4 out of 5)

Solo: A Star Wars StorySolo: A Star Wars Story
Solo: A Star Wars Story
This latest big budget spin-off from the Star Wars saga is probably best known for all the problems it's had to overcome along the way.

A change of directors late on, script changes and major reshoots are just some of the noises that came out of the camp.

But the bottom line is - is it worth seeing?

And the answer for any Star Wars fan is yes.

It’s 135 minutes of action with amazing special effects and it all slots in pretty well with the franchise.

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Alden Ehrenreich plays the Hans Solo character and as well as looking a fair bit like a young Harrison Ford he manages to nail down the Solo mannerisms competently enough.

Woody Harrelson helps to provide some acting gravitas and Paul Bettany is a suitably bad enough villain (within the constraints of a 12A certificate).

We meet Hans at the start of the movie on a planet ruled by a despot who trains youngsters to steal.

He’s desperate to become a pilot and is trying to escape with his friend Qi’ra (Emilia Clarke).

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